Thursday 4 December 2014


It’s the 90’s and every mainstream Christian teenager is wearing a cotton threading wristband with the glaring letters “WWJD”, aka “What would Jesus do?”.

Now, fast forward, it’s 2014 and these teenagers are now young adults working, studying tertiary education or even started families themselves. For them, what does WWJD mean now?

I was recently nudged during a message at church on following Jesus on Sunday night.
I knew being a Christian was about following Jesus, but did I truly understand what Jesus did and said?

A few fun facts:
·      Jesus was born in a small town, Bethlehem (Luke 2 verses 4-7) denying himself of his divinity and becoming a child born to the virgin Mary
·      Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, by going to the synagogue and studying the scriptures (Luke 2 verse 52)
·      Jesus didn’t begin his ministry til he was about thirty years old (Luke 3 verse 23)
·      Jesus died around the age of thirty-three years old (Matthew 3 verse 13 talks about the baptism to enter into the Melchizedek priesthood and his ministry continued for around three and a half years)

So… What happened to 90% of the rest of his life?

Could it be…  that the only way Jesus was able to do what he did was through patience and character building in the hidden years and moments. So then.. when we as believers, and disciples, are told in Matthew 16 verse 24-26 “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it”, we are actually called to do the same. To take our daily selfish desires and live out a calling that is not always the most glamorous or popular, but is the way that Jesus would have done it.

I could potentially finish this article here, but really I wouldn’t be helping anyone – including myself. To be completely honest, none of us are sinless and have it altogether (definitely speaking for myself here) as “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3 verse 23), but we can choose to get up each morning and ensure that his mercies which are “new every morning” (Lamentations 3 verse 23) in our lives.

This could mean:
·      Choosing to serve instead of being served.
·      Choosing to be consistent in the mundane unseen tasks.
·      Choosing to listen instead of speaking (Learning this one daily!)
·      Choosing to be humbled, instead of being proud
·      Choosing to love all, instead of only loving those that “deserve your love”

Personally, these are all areas I have dealt with recently and know there are many more situations, which could be added here, but at the heart of it – what does it mean to follow Jesus and do what he did?

For me, it means to live my life through the help of the holy spirit and to remain in him as it says in John 15 verse 5 (NIV), Jesus is speaking and says “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Wednesday 10 September 2014


Sitting in a cab from Hanoi domestic airport to the local hotel in DeNang

Every city is romanticised  - from New York (.. the shady streets that don't remind me of "Honey") to Hong Kong (.. the smog covered, overcrowded city packed into trains and buses in peak hour) to London (.. in the middle of winter where people are the highest percentage of depression in youths across the world)

... to even Vietnam (.. whilst there are rice fields with beautiful lush grass, there are also brown lagoons of water filled with Mosquitos.. A far cry from award winning Miss Saigon)

The idea behind this post isn't aimed at shutting down every city across the world (ddefinitelynot, I love to travel as you can tell) but about highlighting that most of life is made in mundane.

So what for you is made in the mundane? (Done well, that you can see beauty in it)

Could it be love, passion, dreams... Or simply an attitude?

How often have we come across a day that just seems like every another? What would change if you had a diagnosis tomorrow that you only had 3 months to live? What would change if you knew you couldn't fail?

As a generation, we are have the opportunity to take what the generations have already done ahead of us and to sit on their shoulders to chase a life of even more.
..So why then are so many of us, fearful of  is it that's stopping us?

1. Are we too fixated on the past, our failures or fears, and circumstance to give ourselves the opportunity to dream bigger?
2. Are we too busy in the present trying to do everything for everyone else and juggling half a dozen commitments that you don't even have time to look up to what your apart of in this generation?
3. Are we so focused on the future and where we'd love to be someday with someone that we never actually celebrate the victories of today, because it is never enough?

Ironically, I've laid out the past, present and future so at some point in your day, or week - We'd all find ourselves in one of the buckets. 

So what's the solution?
For me, it's all out knowing who holds time in his hands, the God of all, and balance. It's about choosing to stay in the moment daily, whilst setting time aside intentionally for my own personal growth and having strategy in place to track my progress along the way. 

Easy? Not at all.
Worth it? Totally.

Much love, 
Meenal xx

Sunday 22 June 2014


In the midst of traffic, people, peak hour tube rush and harrod luxury so starkly contrasted with the depth of homelessness... Lord, You are above all.

In Psalms 27:4-5 (MSG), David puts it like this "I’m asking GOD for one thing, only one thing: To live with him in his house my whole life long. I’ll contemplate his beauty; I’ll study at his feet. That’s the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world, The perfect getaway, far from the buzz of traffic."

I couldn't have put it better myself. 
No matter how far or high one goes, there's gotta be a moment - that simple profound moment - where nothing else but gazing upon God's grace, mercy and love is enough. 
Nothing more, nothing less. 

Much love,
MC xx

Thursday 2 January 2014

The Best is yet to come.

Cliche as it sounds - I truly believe it. 

2013 - Was my year of going back to basics with my loves; whether it be getting deeper into the word of God, figuring out that I love writing, restoring moments where I had to learn what true rest meant and valuing the most things in life - My family & friends. 

Last year was a whirlwind in every sense, starting from ringing in the new year inside the Empire State building in NYC with some amazing friends and kicking off a new role in a dream environment that I can honestly only put to the grace of God to be in. This soon led to an incredible 24th birthday that was almost a week long (now forever known as birthday week!) and closing out with finding my true romantic heart with a special someone.

Despite the challenges, tears, weaknesses and long nights - it was a year where I got to chase everything God had in store like never before and don't for a minute regret any of it!

With each new year, I take some time out to evaluate my goals, dreams and visions - both past, present and for what's to come.e Afterall, a new year is a blank slate of endless possibilities (funny how a countdown with fireworks can do wonders with one's perspective!)

Although I don't really believe in new year resolutions - given their fluidity and lack of purpose - I do strongly encourage myself (and you) to set (and write down!) clear, measurable and realistic (unless their a crazy vision which I am never one to knock down but forever cheer on with God's strength) short and long term goals.

I was reading an article recently about making resolutions last and something almost profound stood out and I had to share, based on Dallas Willard's personal transformation logic. 

Make sure your resolution has:
1. Vision - Where do you see yourself on the first of Jan 2015? How do you want to spend this year and what is desired end state?
2. Intention - What your true desire that will push you to get there? Something I have always said is ask yourself why you started? I honestly believe this has got the power to unlock some of the greatest inventions, businesses and dreams!
3. Means - What tools do you need to get this done? Is it the practical items like new running shoes so you're making your way to a fitter body in the most safest way possible, or is being able to network like never before so that you can learn what you need to in the best way possible (through other people's mistakes and wins).
For further reading -

Overall, I feel like a expectant mum ready to tackle this year - but if nothing else, do write down where you see yourself 1 year from now. If you're anything like me - once you start writing, you may even surprise yourself at your audacity to believe that this could be your best year ever!

Bring on 2014! Happy new year! 

"His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord" Psalm 112:7

Much love,
Meenal xx

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Seashells by the Seashore.

Write it on your heart, that every day is the best day in the year.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Long has gone the days that sand castles were the most detailed pieces of architecture on the shoreline.

The past weekend, I made the brave choice to watch the sunrise and do the Bondi to Tamarama coastal walk to look at the sculptures by the sea exhibition.

... and it was worth the 4:30 am wake up call.

Bubble no.5
Whether it was the early surfers and paddle boarders getting their waves in before the rest of the tourists hit the beach, the joggers on their run getting fit for their summer bodies or the yoga enthusiasts meditating as the sun rose.. it was the best way to start any Saturday morning and highly recommended. 

L: Cheshire's grin (Top), Diminish and Ascend (Bottom)
R: There's many a clip (Top), Moon Buddha (Bottom)
Someone wise once said to me, live each day like it was your last - whether that be in the little or big things. Living the dream includes choosing to make every day special, this was mine and I'm choosing to never stop doing that!

Much love,
Meenal xx

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Attitude is everything.

The finer things in life. Sunrises, Sunsets, lying on the grass on a sunny summer afternoon or even getting to train just on time to make the early train.

It has been awhile since I have had the chance to blog and since have been caught up in the rat race of juggling work commitments, tight deadlines and demanding stakeholders - but have learnt a few things:

1. Attitude is everything - The past weekend I heard one of the most profound statements I have heard in awhile during a preaching message at church " You decide what your week will look like and that any circumstances that come will not change your outlook." Tough decision - nope. Tough to keep - sure! But after 4 days of sticking to my guns and plenty of "derp" moments - my week has never been as good as it now. Life will throw every curve ball that you can imagine, but it is how we respond, being able to share the joy of the small wins and being able to have a laugh in the midst of it all that makes the difference.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" Mahatma Gandi

2. Make time for yourself - Sometimes we have the tendency to try and do everything ourselves and to cut back on things we have control over; for instance, not eating lunch to work through it faster, sleeping less hours because we'll have more time to do what needs to be done or prioritising everyone else before ourselves to keep everyone happy. I'm not saying that there aren't seasons that we all need to do this - but at what cost. Someone wise once said to me - "You are no good to anyone else if you don't look after yourself". 

So what does making time for yourself actually mean? 

I guess I can only really tell you what it means for me - Quiet time with God, sleeping 6-7 hours a night, eating well, having time to go to the gym, dance and read during the week! This would be ideal but ultimately it's making sure that my energy levels are being used in the right way on the right things and never becoming so exhausted that I have nothing to give to those around and closest to me. At the end of the day - we're no good to anyone else if we're not being able to love out of the overflow, right?

"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy might remain in you and 
that your joy might be full." John 15:11

3. Laughter - It is never too early or late to laugh. I eluded to this earlier, but so often everything becomes so serious and over analytic! Coming from a corporate background, sometimes the smallest things are taken way more seriously than they should but the moment there is laughter and joy it can change the whole atmosphere of a room, meeting, situation and decision. I am sure we all know those people who are ready with reservations against every idea of why it wouldn't work or that you feel like you're walking on egg shells around them and cannot put a foot wrong. Those people aren't fun to be around and more importantly are difficult to work/do life with. So why not choose to be a person that radiates light around you - after all I heard somewhere that's what we're called to do - be salt and light...

Happy Thursday!
Much love Meenal xx

Thursday 8 August 2013


"Slow down,  and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you." John De Paola

It was a little under a week ago that I found myself completely challenged by the concept of rest.

I was driving and halfway to a local cafe to "rest/slowdown/relax (insert any other term here for chillaxing", when I fell into a panic. I had realised my phone was left at home on charge. 

What followed was nothing short of horror, as I felt a total detachment from the world of emails, texts, phone calls and social media. This immediately made me want to turn the car around to go pick up phone; when this internal dialogue hit me – "What makes me feel so naked without a phone?"

With changes in innovation and the increasing emphasis on efficiency; our generation are constantly bombarded with everything that is competing for our attention whether it be physically, emotionally or spiritually. 

Whilst not everything that desires our attention is bad, if we aren't careful it can be difficult to slow down and take those Selah (Pause and Consider) moments. 

I know personally, I have been challenged by this recently and realising that it is in the moments that I am trying to carry everything in my own strength - I forget that Jesus can (and wants us) to help carry the load.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of Grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” 
Matthew 11 verse 28 - 30 (MSG)

I don't think I will ever be at a place where I don't need to balance my life out - but finding out the detrimental nature that a lack of rest brings, I am choosing to make rest a priority. 

Much love, 
Meenal xx